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The “Twins multiple joys ” Carnival


In January 16, 2016, Division of Birth Cohort Study held the “Twins multiple joys” Carnival activity in the “Kids Club” in Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center. The babies kept the carnival alive in this rainy day. Four parts of games were set according to the babies’ age. Let’s have a look at the photos.

“贴尾巴大作战”--- 妈妈,快,你的尾巴!
Mom, be quick, catch your tail! --- “Pin the tail”

Sit in rows and read the books with siblings and new friends.

The best storytellers—Mama

Move like the wind!----“The little porter”

Dad, is Mammy Bear your good friend? (A boy wears bear clothing in the picture)

“趣味袜子球”--- 我们一起动手
Let’s make a sock ball.

“Shoot at the basket”

Here comes the awarding moment.

*********************************华丽丽的分界线Dividing line *********************************


The little babies’ part of the “Twins multiple joys” Carnival activity began in the “Kids Club” on 2:00 p.m. The ‘Bbies go go go’ came off firstly, and 12-16 months old twin babies could take part in. During the games, the parents leaded the babies crawling forward by toys, cookies, fruits and so on. The twin babies crawled forward together and looked very similarly. There are some proper games for small babies who had not learnt crawling yet, such as ‘Kiss my babies’, ‘Dive a train’ and ‘Where are my lovely babies’. The games were gave a demonstration by doctors and followed by each families. The “Kids Club” was full of laughter, and everybody's happily from ear to ear.

I am crawling forward hardly, and I am coming to daddy and mommy.----‘Bbies go go go.’

“萌宝 GO GO GO”:姐姐弟弟齐齐向前爬,萌萌分不清楚~
Crawling forward together! ----‘Bbies go go go.’

Take off with grandmother and mother! ----‘Kiss my babies.’

Let’s drive a train, with a rumbling sound. ----‘Dive a train.’

“萌宝在哪里”---- 我家宝宝在哪里呢?爸爸来找你俩~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦
---Where are my lovely babies? Father is coming and finding you.
---Who are you? I don’t know you.
--‘Where are my lovely babies?’

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